Discover How This
Simple 2 Minute PM “Ritual”
Can Change Your LIFE Right After This Video…
How It Took 50 Years And A Chance Accidental Meeting To Finally Learn The Truth About What Was Holding Me Back All This Time
This is the story that reshaped my whole thinking on what it takes to be healthy and full of vitality.
And it has very little to do with eating, exercise or genetics.
It would be fair to say It’s been challenging trying to stay healthy and at a shape and size that felt right.
Even more so after turning 40.
Stressful days, uncontrollable cravings and sleepless nights all seemed to make taking off those extra pounds more difficult each year.
One day, after eating nothing but salad for a whole month in an attempt to fit into a dress for a friend’s wedding, my motivation hit an all-time low when the numbers on the scale had hardly moved from weeks before. Despair!
By chance an old friend I hadn’t seen in some time had got in touch a few days earlier and wanted to catch-up.
I got out my phone and called her, saying ‘we’re doing lunch’!
It turns out this one little ‘mistake’ was to put me at a crossroads, but one I’m eternally grateful for.
My friend had been away for quite some time so we agreed to meet at a restaurant with many good memories.
I went to sit down at our usual table and saw someone I almost didn’t recognise sitting there waving at me.
It was my friend, but she looked like she used to in her early 30’s! I stood there in disbelief for what felt like minutes before greeting her!
“What have you been doing?!” were the first words out of my lips!
She laughed and told me it was ‘top secret’, and then went on to order an enormous steak and fries! My was I confused!
I couldn’t help but stare more and more as I watched her remorselessly devour her food – I couldn’t take my eyes off how incredible she looked!
She caught me staring and laughing again, agreed to ‘bring me in’ on the ‘secret’!
She said she’d been struggling more and more with her shape and no amount of exercise or controlling what she ate seemed to work any more – just like me!
Then she chanced across an article by a highly qualified and renowned fitness expert, nutrionist and expert in human biology called John Barban.
One of John’s most astounding discoveries was a simple “post dinner routine” that is positively impacting thousands of lives worldwide.
This simple routine that takes only a couple of minutes each night had been nothing short of incredible for my friend.
Where nothing else had worked, pounds had seemed to begin melting away within days.
Now my friend was in the best shape of her life, full of the joys of youth and loving every minute of it!
It all seemed too good to be true, but I thought to myself, if I keep trying the same thing, surely I’ll keep getting the same results..?
I knew it was time to try something different.
I took the plunge and began using the simple 2 minute ritual.
And the first pounds fell off the very next day. I couldn’t believe it!
Fast-forward to today and I can’t believe how many years I wasted being miserable!
I’m in the best shape I’ve been in for years. I’m able to maintain my ideal health, and it’s so simple I’m kicking myself I didn’t know about this sooner!
After so many years of feeling hopeless, I’d done it! And now I want to share this method with as many people as possible